Strategic Planning

Strategic planning can sometimes feel like it is being done for its own sake. A great deal of time and effort can be spent developing a strategic plan which ultimately has little connection to the day-to-day operations of your organisation.


M2 Leadership have an entirely different perspective on the importance of strategic planning.

We believe that a fundamental objective of strategic planning is to ensure alignment between your organisation’s direction and goals, it’s people and day-to-day operations.

M2 Leadership can support you to achieve this alignment.

We will:

  1. Take the time to understand your organisation’s existing goals, plans and resources;

  2. Work with you to plan and facilitate a strategic planning workshop involving the people who will be pivotal in leading your organisation to achieve its goals;

  3. Guide you through the development of a coherent strategic plan and implementation plan to ensure that your strategy is supported by accountability and aligned with all aspects of your operations.

Contact M2 Leadership for a free initial consultation on how we can customise strategic planning support for you.